Saturday, January 31, 2009

Get a Funny Discription of Yourself

Well just browsing around i found this funny way of getting a description of yourself...
Every one please follow this method :

Go to and type in your answer to each of the following questions in the search box, then write in the comment Box the FIRST definition it gives you.

And i am writing what it replied for my answers.

Q 1) Name

A noisy ass bitch
That anique better shutup...(Ouch...)

Q 2) Your Age

The age where an American can:
1. Legally buy pornography
2. Legally buy cigarettes
3. Legally gamble in Indian Casinos
4. Legally be concidered an adult
5. Be tried as an adult in a court of law
6. Be drafted for a war they don't believe in
... but still cannot buy alcohol.
Billy: Wow! I turned 18! I'm going to buy cigarettes and gamble in a shoddy Indian casino!
Joey: Wow! I turned 21! I'm going to buy vodka and gamble in a real casino!
Billy: ... damn country.

Q 3) One Of Your Friend

the act of being vomited on as you dance with them
One time I was dancing with this girl at a club and she azeemed all over my new shoes while we were dancing.

Q 4) What Should you Be Doing

An excuse you give your friends when you want to stay home alone and masturbate. Also known as 'reading' 'cleaning your room' or writing a term paper.
"Want to hang out?"

"No, I'm going to stay home and study."

Q 5 ) Favorite Color

yes... it is most definitely referring to the marijuana... and also, upon occassion, any substance with similar uses. too, properly, of course, it is a golfing term, but that;s really not very much fun, now is it?
'yo, where da green at?'

Q 6 ) Birth Place ?

Bahawalpur is not Defined yet ..

(Cracked you up didn't i)

Q 7 ) Month Of Birth

The month in which the hottest women are born.
That girl is FINE! She must have been born in December.

(What about guys ??)

Q 8 ) Last Person You Talked To ?

commenly known a slang word for pimp, deriving from Fenhistan, Newcastle
wow look at that pimp
wassup nabeel
(he's my brother :P)

Q 9 ) Your Nickname ?

Niki is a term used to describe a certain group of people who excel in all they do. They are admired by many and are referred to as being very "cool". They acquire all positive traits and are very attractive.

Note: The term Niki and Nikki share no similiarities.
You wish you were like Niki!

(My Nick Rocks :D)

So That was it....leave what you find interesting in the urban dictionary in the comment section below so everyone can read and enjoy it..


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