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Monday, August 03, 2009

Story behind 'Masakalli' and 'Genda Phool' In Delhi-6 movie

Well here are these lovely songs from the Delhi-6 Named as 'Masakalli' and 'Genda Phool'. There's a lot of confusion about the meaning of the work 'Masakalli' and the purpose of having a whole song behind a dove.Well if you haven't heard the songs yet you can hear it at the mid of the Post i have added the videos there.And don't forget to leave your comments in the end.So What's the meaning of 'masakalli' in the dove song of Delhi 6 .Its the name...

Sunday, August 02, 2009

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson is dead | Mother of Jackson's kids react

(CNN) -- Entertainer Michael Jackson died after being taken to a hospital on Thursday having suffered cardiac arrest, said his brother Jermaine Jackson.Paramedics took Jackson, 50, from his west Los Angeles home Thursday afternoon to UCLA Medical Center, where a team of physicians attempted to resuscitate him for more than an hour, said his brother Jermaine Jackson. He said the famed singer was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m. PT.An autopsy is scheduled...
